One of Italy’s special qualities is certainly its richness of beautiful locations and interesting events; these two aspects mix together perfectly in Cortona, a small-sized town on the east side of **Tuscany **right across the border with Umbria. Here, in fact, the typical beauty of a classic centre-Italian village becomes a tailor-made stage for one of the Italy’s most important photographs exhibition, “Cortona on the move”. The city might as well be known as photographers’ paradise because not only gives photography enthusiasts and visitors the chance to enjoy a great exposition, the town itself is a perfect subject for the lens.
Situated on a hilltop overlooking the Valdichiana valley and part of Trasimeno Lake, (sometimes, depending on the weather conditions, you might as well be able to sight Perugia from the city’s belvedere), Cortona strikes the visitors for its lovely central square, Piazza della Repubblica, where they find the outstanding town hall, built in the XV century, and clock tower. From here a series of streets and alleys starts out, creating a maze-like path filled with boutiques, restaurants, and shops hard to just walk by.
I’d suggest you visit this place in the late summer or early fall, when you could also enjoy a visit to the photo show. Cortona On The Move is a modern exhibition that really tries to capture the movement of today’s life trough photography, without forgetting to move itself and to adapt to it. After seven editions, this festival attained international visibility and praises, but what, arguably, has been a greater achievement is reopening to the public many historic buildings in state of decay and using them as spaces to display the artworks.
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