Fortress of Santa Catarina - the biggest fortification in Paraíba

Fabio Jardelino | Live the World

November 23, 2022

It is not a secret that Brazil was colonized by Portugal in the year of 1500, and defended by them against foreign invasions during centuries. For this reason, the Portuguese built several fortifications throughout the Brazilian litoral, which are nowadays good touristic destinations, especially if you like history and tales. If you are, like me, a big fan of this kind of tourism, I advise you strongly to visit the Fortress of Santa Catarina, which is located in Cabedelo city, at the State of Paraíba

© Governo do Estado da Paraíba

Being one of the most well-conserved fortifications of the region, this fortress was responsible for the security of all the coast of Paraíba and Pernambuco. It was in Santa Catarina’s Fortress that the Du[tch invasion]( caused the most bloody battles, during the year of 1634. Even today, when visiting, it is possible to see all the history marked on the walls and ground over there. 

© Fábio Jardelino

Currently, the place hosts a museum, telling the history of the region and the fortification, which passes through several constructions during the centuries. Personally, I felt this place unique, first because of the conservation state, and secondly because of the well-told history in the interior of the museum

How to get there 

Getting there is easy: if you go by car, just go to Cabedelo city (a little Cape close by the state capital, João Pessoa) and keep following the highway BR-230, until you get into the end of the road. You will see the fortification easily. If you try to go by bus, check the lines 5101, 5103, which are departing from several places at João Pessoa

© Fábio Jardelino

Keep in mind that to get access to the fortress, you have to pay in cash five reais per person (or so 1,50 euro). The fortification is open to visitors from 8 am to 5.30 pm

What to do around besides the fortress

Another interesting touristic point while at the cape is definitely the beach. In Paraíba, the water is similar to Pernambuco: around 30º, it has a beautiful green color, which contrasts with the beach and its white sand. Not too far from the Fortress Santa Catarina, along all the coast, you can find some good beaches to enjoy the day. Also In Cabedelo, check out the musical sunset at Jacaré Beach and combine together a historical trip, a cool beach-day, and a perfect cultural ending. 

© Fábio Jardelino

That is the nicest day trip you can do while in Paraíba. I am sure you will enjoy your visit to the Fortress of Santa Catarina and its surroundings!

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