How do you know it's Albania ?

Elda Ndoja | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Being part of the same planet, people are always curious of knowing more about every country of the world. My foreign friends always ask me " How it's Albania like ? " or even worse " I didn't know that Albania exists !". There are times I have to talk for hours to explain them that Albania does exist and it's not an isolated country like the rest of the world may consider it. Yes, it is a bit unknown but Hey,it is part of the map !


Picture © Credits to Alikaj2582

Then, how do you know it's Albania ? Let me explain it to you !

From the moment you arrive at the airport you will notice something different and you will understand that you have to be very patient. Probably, you will have to wait a bit until your luggage arrives and then when you're about to go out, you will see people clapping while they're waiting for they loved ones to arrive ( I saw this thing only in Albania).

In my country, people use to talk so loud, doesen't matter where they are or what they are doing and they may give you the impression of fighting with each other, but don't worry it's just their way of talking and sometimes I find it very funny and very interesting. The conversation won't end until there's a "winner". After that, they will start hugging each other in such a friendly way that you may think that maybe they are relatives or very close friends.

Picture © Credits to istankov

Once you are in the streets of Albania, and especially if you are a tourist and you are speaking a different language you will feel all eyes on you. People might even stop you in the streets and offer you their help without knowing you. You want to go somewhere? Just ask a native and they will make sure to take you there and after that they will also invite you for a drink or even better at their home to enjoy a delicious meal. They will use all their english skills to communicate with you because albanians simply love tourists and want to give them the best impressions from Albania. Make sure to say Faleminderit ( thank you ) to them...They will be so happy !

Albania is the country of remembering the past and living in the future, so it's all about the old and new. The concrete and the colorful that are being manifested in Albania's architecture makes you feel like you are experiencing two worlds. If you are planning to go to a place that everything is the same, houses, buildings, streets and where cities give you a sense of tranquility and routine then don't choose Albania because you would face the contrary of that. I am albanian and I say that " Yes, there's a lot of places in the world that are magical and breathtakingly beautiful but Albania represents the chaos, the changing, the development that everyone carries inside themselves ". Sometimes I identify my country with myself...At times it's so strong and ready to face everything and fight for its ideals but sometimes it becomes so fragile and easily hurt by everyone. It's a complex of history, situations, people and perspectives and it's the strong will to change.

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