Almost every culinary and food-based article I’ve written so far has been about either Spanish or Asian food, these two being my favourite. Everyone knows that Spanish food is one of the most talked about and loved cuisines internationally, however, I would feel guilty if I didn’t include some of the best Italian places I’ve visited recently. Spanish and Italian people share a lot of parts of their culture. They are a happy, smiling and partying people – they seem to be at their happiest gathered in huge groups of people, with overwhelming amounts of noise, chaos and energy. They both share a love of close family life as well as strong connections with their country’s traditions. These traditions are just as much culinary as they are religious or cultural, and so I want to show you one of my **favourite pizza places in Valencia **that manages to capture some of the joy and love that Italian chefs put into their food. Check out these killer Asian restaurants in Valencia as well as some Spanish food in Valencia.
La Finestra is one of the smallest, most crowded and least well-planned restaurants I’ve seen in Valencia. There’s no space to move, sit or even order, and the waiters squeeze by, bump and jostle each other and you constantly – but most importantly – this doesn’t matter one bit. The atmosphere of the restaurant, hidden away in a corner of Rusafa, is all about closeness and intimacy. If you want a quiet and relaxed conversation over a nice pizza, then maybe look elsewhere. But for sheer Italian energy, great cooking and a few surprises, then La Finestra will be hard to beat.
The surprises come in the form of the pizza itself. When you order (at the counter, don’t expect the waiters to wade into the crowds for you), you can choose either vegetarian or meat (or mixed) options, but that is the extent of your choices. Every pizza is made differently, and the waiters will bring you whatever type of pizza they have just made. The randomness and lack of choice could be off-putting for some, but treat it like a little culinary adventure, look forward to what they might bring you and get ready to try some new flavours and combinations. This is certainly not a gimmick to avoid making good pizza, and the quality and tastes you’ll find here are amongst the best in the city.
Finding the restaurant was actually not the easiest, as it’s located in a small side-street in the area of Valencia that is essentially all side-streets, Rusafa. Although it might take you a while to get here, I promise that it’ll be worth it. If you are having a hard time finding it, the location on most online maps is pretty much correct, but on the particular street the restaurant is on, the place is slightly hidden as well. There are only a few restaurants on the street though, so look at all of them properly, find the sign or look for waiters carrying pizza around for a clue.
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