Krushevo, highest town in the Balkans

Zlata Golaboska | Live the World

November 23, 2022

It is like a warm hug during a peaceful winter day

Up high, on the slope of Bushevas mountain, surrounded by dense wood, very smart and precisely is placed Krushevo, a highest placed town on Balkan. This 15th-century town is welcoming everyone to visit or to stay for centuries now! This variety of people living here lead to a characteristic architectural expression. Krushevos house, as an architectural type, has been studied and it serves as an inspiration to many famous architects after the 19th century. The story says that sketches of this masterpiece houses were found among the drawings of Le Corbusier. On the front facades, you can see family seals, painted parts of the facade that gives pieces of information about the owner of the house. This small architectural delights will amuse you with the perfect proportions, balance, rhythm and characteristic silhouette.

The whole town looks like a natural amphitheater and the houses placed on that topography look like a Lego bricks spread all over. Being first independent territory on Balkan, while liberation of Ottoman empire, raised one revolutionary characteristic that is evident in a shape of ambient among the inhabitants here- they are very proud, know much about history and are always willing to retell.

One of the most important architectural monument of the Macedonian modern era is complex called Makedonium. It is placed in Krushevo, build 1974 and it responds to this revolutionary character that this place has. With its avant-garde, sci-fi look, this monument influenced and it still does, many artists on a global level. If you pass here during winter, better be a ski enthusiast, because another way you will miss great stages for Alp and Nordic skiing, while drinking tea in worm room with stunning view. To regulate your blood sugar level, I can recommend you to try Locum- Turkish delight remade by Krushevos people with Turkish coffee. Also, try Celufki! It is sweet that the name translated means kiss- fluffy, sweet and enjoyable.

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