Magical St. Lawrence Cathedral and Fortress Kamerlengo in Trogir

Marko Radojević | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Once you visit Trogir, a small Dalmatian town, you will ask yourself: "How is it possible that I didn't know about this place before?". Trogir was included in the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites in 1997. The town is considered one of the best-preserved medieval towns in Europe. The most interesting part: the medieval Old Town is hidden between the mainland and Čikovo Island. Isn't that amazing? Give yourself enough time to explore magical Trogir and perhaps you will come back there. Let me take you to a small but lovely journey to the Old Town of Trogir and show you the Cathedral of St. Lawrence and the Fortress Kamerlengo

The Cathedral of St. Lawrence

The Cathedral of St. Lawrence is the symbol of Trogir. It is an** amazing piece of architecture. It was built back in the 13th century. One of the most recognizable parts of the cathedral is Radovan's portal that represents the main entrance door surrounded by a masterpiece of stone sculpture. You can see Adam and Eve in natural size, lions, numerous saints, symbols of the zodiac, fighting scenes of men and beasts, etc. Above the portal, there are some scenes from the Bible. This amazing portal was built by master Radovan, a craftsman from Trogir**, according to some documents. Entering the cathedral, you will see the baptistery built in an amazing combination of renaissance and gothic style.

Photo © credits: iStock/mrak_hr

The Chapel of St. Ivan Trogirski is one of the most beautiful renaissance achievements in the whole of Europe. Every corner of the cathedral will take your breath away. The same goes for the bell tower. Once you are on the top, the view of the city is astonishing.

Photo © credits: iStock/BestTravelPhotography

The Fortress Kamerlengo 

In the southwestern part of the Old Town, you will find the Fortress Kamerlengo. It was built in the 15th century to serve the army of the Republic of Venice. Today, it is a place where Trogir Music Festival is held. Also, it has an amazing restaurant with domestic cuisine. Do not skip the fish specialties this restaurant offers. 

Photo © credits: iStock/DaLiu

Also, you can enter the fortress to walk along the walls and climb up to the tower. This is one more amazing viewpoint of Trogir!

Photo © credits: iStock/aaron007

Yes, Trogir is all about medieval heritage, viewpoints and more than tasty Dalmatian cuisine. Actually, most of Dalmatia is like that. So, pack your bags, as you already know your next destination. Come to Dalmatia to explore magical Trogir. Fall in love with St. Lawrence Catedral and Fortress Kamerlengo. And then decide to come back, as I didn't show you everything Trogir can offer.

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