Marko Radojević | Live the World
November 23, 2022
My friends and family both know how much I love trains. Trains were always around me when I was young. Half my family used to work on a railway. When you can choose between bus, car and train I will definitely choose the train. the love for trains brought me to Mr Anton Urbić, also known as Backo and his Backo Mini Express Museum in Zagreb.
While visiting Museum of Technology in Berlin I saw a permanent exhibition of trains from Germany – from the very beginning of the railway history until today. Also in the same museum, we (me and my friend) could see the biggest large-scale model of a train station I've ever seen. Recently, I discovered an even more amazing place in Zagreb, Anton Urbić of course, also known as Backo where I could see something even more fascinating.
Located in a room in Gundulićeva Street no. 4 (Zagreb city center) Backo Mini Express Museum will leave you breathless, trust me. Whether you are a train enthusiast or not, this place has something special. Maybe this is the smallest "museum" in Zagreb but this is the place with the biggest large-scale model in Southeastern Europe. In this museum you can stay hours and hours watching models, little details, people in little figures, bars, houses, church, bridges, squares… and trains. A lot of trains. So let me quote the data from the official website:
And still constructing… One must be so patient to make this – and to be passionate for it. Besides Mr Backo there is a team of train and model enthusiasts working with him. Mr Backo and his team in Backo Mini Express Museum work a lot on spreading the model, adding more details on it. Trains are all around the room, even in the floor under you. Everything is perfectly organized and here those trains are never late, as they say. Also, this huge system is monitored and controlled by computers and video surveillance.
My humble opinion is that they should win a Nobel Prize for innovation, love and passions for trains, organization and commitment and extreme patients that they show to us every time we visit this amazing museum.
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