Plitvice lakes – natural jewel of Croatia

Marko Radojević | Live the World

November 23, 2022

National park Plitvička jezera is located In Zagreb-Zadar-Rijeka triangle and very close to Croatian A1 high-way. One of the natural wanders and jewels of Croatia and Europe. Pltivice lakes are one of many places that can and will leave you breathless.


Maybe one of the most visited but also one of the places in Croatia that you should see and stay not only one day. Whether you are passionate about nature or lakes or just Instagramer who loves to share amazing landscapes on its profile – Plitvice will be your most important stop in Croatia. This natural sight is almost 60 years old as official national park but nature was creating it thousands a years, slowly. Water made its way through the ground and thanks to limestone soil now we got all those beautiful waterfalls and 16 little lakes with numerous streams. Many people go home with great shots of lakes and water cascades but many of them do not know how amazing is the nature inside of the forest – endemic plants (50 types of orchid), again many little streams and wildlife is also diverse with many different animals where the most famous is brown bear.


Advice for hikers: the best time to visit Plitvice and nearby hills and mountain Velebit is early spring, more precisely first few weeks of April. In Plitvice national park you will find maps and guided trail maps. Also, if you are travelling alone definitely you’ll meet many other hikers on your way since this part of Croatia together with nearby Bosnia and Herzegovina is paradise for them.


Advice for photography lovers: early morning will be the best moment to visit this national park since this destination every year is visited by more and more tourists (each year more than 1 million tourists). Also, early spring will provide you with amazing photos of green-blue lakes which color originates from moss and algae.

How to get there: if you travel by car it’s easy approachable from Zagreb, Zadar or Split using A1 highway. Also, bus run regularly from those cities and the nearest airports are Zadar, Rijeka and Zagreb.

After visiting Plitvice lakes you next stop could be city of Zadar or Rijeka - both approachable by bus or car. Or you can visit neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the end enjoy this amazing video of the frozen Plitvice lakes.

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