Nazerke Makhanova | Live the World
November 23, 2022
The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation is one of the top visiting places around Nur-Sultan city. It operates since 2006 and has many interesting historical facts, as well as unique exhibits about Kazakhstan’s **cultural **and religious qualities. Let’s start with the main interesting fact that it has a diagonal moving elevator inside, which is one of the several lifts of such a type across the world. Locals simply call it ‘the Pyramid’, which officially is the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation in Nur-Sultan city.
Have you ever thought of seeing a **pyramid **somewhere else than in Egypt or Mexico? Usually, we all imagine sands, camels and **history **of pharaohs. However, there is one more pyramid standing right in the heart of Kazakhstan’s capital city surrounded by green grass park in summer and snowy alleys in winter. At first glance, it might seem like if the Egyptian pyramid was transferred to Central Asia and its architectural view was outlined with the **modern **glass. In fact, there is one **exhibit **to see inside of the **palace **that is related to Egypt. It is the exact certified copy of the famous Nifertiti’s bust!
The pyramid’s **architecture **was an idea of the famous architect Sir Norman Foster. It was built in a very short time - only 13 months! The **pyramid **has one of the rare diagonal elevators, which move with a slope of 60 degrees. For example, similar lifts are equipped in the Eifel Tower and the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas.
The **guided tour **starts on the 1st floor, which has an opera hall with 1302 seats and is decorated by the latest standards. Then, you will be escorted to the 3rd floor where the largest ‘Royal Hall’ is located. From there, you will be led to the part with traditional costumes of 15 representatives of various cultures who live in Kazakhstan. Then, you will be able to walk up the stairs to the 8th floor of the **palace **with the **round hall **called ‘Cradle’. You will be fascinated to be surrounded by the glass that has a painting of 130 doves on it, representing all the nationalities of Kazakhstan. Look up, and you will see the flag of Kazakhstan. The **pigeons **flying up to the flag illustrate that all the representatives of **cultures **and **religions **living in Kazakhstan found their peace under the same piece of sky.
The price of tickets for adults cost only $2.60 and $1.60 for children. If you would like to learn the background story with a professional guide in English, then the ticket price will be around $6 per person. If you are interested in the history and national importance of the** pyramid**, it is worth having your very own guide from the start to the end of the excursion. Do not miss the working hours of the **palace, **which is from 10 am to 6 pm. There are no days off, so you are welcome to investigate the place every day within the working hours.
The **pyramid **is located in the middle of the Presidential Park that can take you to the **riverside **where you can enjoy a nice walk with the view towards the president’s residence Ak Orda. There are some nice things to **discover **around the park and several spots to make magnificent photos. From the entrance of the pyramid, you will have a view to the Memorial complex Kazak Yeli (which literally means “Kazakh Nation”), the Independence Palace, Kazakh National University of Arts, and National Museum of Kazakhstan. It is definitely worth seeing the **biggest mosque in Central Asia, Khazret Sultan, **which is a 5-minute-walk away from the palace. Spare some more time for this **beautiful **part of the city. Here is a hint; the **sightseeing **for all these interesting objects will take you at least 2 hours.
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