Romania – all seasons country

Eva Poteaca | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Romania is the country I was born in but also one of the countries I love the most. You may associate it with Dracula, vampires or fast internet as in fact Romania is not only a country for all seasons but also a place where nature meets culture. In this article, I will shortly describe Romania and hopefully gain your interest as it is a country you definitely should visit one day!

Placed in south-eastern Europe, Romania borders with Moldova, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine, Bulgaria and the Black Sea. It has a continental to temperate climate so you can enjoy all four seasons and practice a variety of sports, ranging from swimming outdoors to snowboarding the high peaks of the Carpathian Mountains. I would definitely recommend you visit it in summer and in winter as well because as you will read, Romania has much to offer.

Romania – all in one country

One of the reasons I love my country is the diversity: from high mountains (the Carpathians crossing the heart of the country with the highest peak Moldoveanu at 2544 meters) to plains (like Câmpia Română), from busy cities with rich cultural heritage, like the capital, to peacefully, lazy and comfy cities, small villages and unspoiled countryside. When in Romania, one should visit the *medieval cities *Bistrița, Brașov, Sibiu, Cluj Napoca or Sighișoara and the painted monasteries like Voroneț in Bucovina. One should definitely not forget about the Romanian architectural sites like Mogașoaia Palace (unique Romanian Byzantine style). There is also a good choice of beaches – from fancy ones like Mamaia to liberalist ones like Vama Veche. What’s also a must-see is the Danube Delta – a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a wildlife paradise - where the Danube river splits itself into three arms before it disembogues into the Black Sea. Did I mention that we also have a bunch of mountains, a lot of ski slopes (216 km) like Poiana Brașov or* *Borșa with the newest edition in Bistrița Country?

Romania – a country of people

And most important is its people. We are very friendly and open to socializing. And yes, we like to party! You should also try our traditional plum brandy: țuică. In my hometown, it is considered an insult to refuse a shot of țuică, but don’t be fooled by the locals, because we are used to drinking it and it is also very strong! And while at it, you should definitely try some of our traditional foods: sarmale, mămăligă, musaca, our famous vegetable spread - zacusca or our sweet walnut bread - cozonac.

So...when will you plan your trip to Romania, all seasons country?

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