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Archaia Olympia
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Chrisa Lepida | Live the World
November 23, 2022
Being greek and while meeting people abroad, I’ve always been asked about **the greek mythology and the life of the legendary gods of Olympus. **People have always been wondering whether the greek mythology is something we’re being taught at school or something that’s being transmitted from generation to generation as a bed-time story, or maybe let’s say as a fairytale!
While living in Greece, even though I was familiar with all** the mythical stories** (indeed as I said, I grew up learning about Zeus and Hercules and a lot of other prominent mythological characters), I’ve never realised that the **greek mythology **is a such a huge topic of interest for people outside Greece. **Questions and stories I’ve heard from friends and such facts inspired me to write this series of pages during which I present you some of the most mythological places and the stories hidden behind them! **
The Parthenon, the greatest marvel of Acropolis with its imposing figure, Delphi and the Temple of Apollo, Poseidon’s temple and Epidaurus can all be found in the city of Athens and in its surroundings. Mythical stories and legendary facts hidden behind those are being revealed in detail in this page!
The ruins in the archaeological site of Knossos that are believed to have been the home to King Minos and the mythical Minotaur, the Birthplace of Zeus & Phaistos which is one of three towns in Minoan Crete ruled by the children of Zeus and Europa, are just a few of the top mythical spots that can be found in the island of **Crete.**
Corinth a city-state in Ancient Greece, Sparta, and **Olympia **that was an important site of the most famous games in history, (the Olympic games) can be spotted in **Peloponnese.** At the same time, **Arcadia **that was considered to be a wilderness in which the god Pan resided, along with dryads, nymphs and other spirits is a place definitely worth visiting!
When you’re thinking about the most iconic mountains of the world, I’m pretty sure that the Mt Olympus, located in Greece, has a spot in your list! Also known as the home of the 12 Olympian Gods, the Mount Olympus is place full of mythological facts and hidden meanings!
The Odyssey, which in my opinion is one of the greatest stories ever told, just has everything: Cyclops and lotus eaters, Circe turning sailors into swine, a wife conquered by suitors, a faithful to the end dog and a continuous tension that never ends! It’s a fantastic adventure, a quest, an affirmation of life – and it all ends in Ithaca where Odysseus after many troubles returns back home.
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