Savamala district of Belgrade

Lejla Dizdarevic | Live the World

November 23, 2022

A love at first sight

In the past, many people found Belgrade as a turbulent spot where West and East collide. Today, Belgrade cannot be compared to Belgrade 20 years ago. It is a city that is constantly changing and evolving. Throughout the history, many writers found their way to Belgrade and quite unexpectedly, after only a while, they called it home. They were mesmerized by the unique, charming and captivating persona of Belgrade. Indeed, the Serbian capital is far from Paris or London, as it will not leave you breathless or amazed by the size of the buildings, but it will definitely leave an impression on you. And trust me, you will think about Belgrade. You will not be able to forget it and you will instantly fall in love with its flawed beauty. I am one of the guilty ones, as I constantly fall in love with it over and over again.

My love at first sight has always been Savamala district of Belgrade. If anyone would ask me whether Belgrade is a hip and creative city, Savamala would be my first association. As a matter of fact, Savamala is not just creative, but an artsy, historical, cultural area as well as the perfect spot to go out.

Despite its proximity to Dorcol/ Stari Grad (Old Town) of Belgrade, as well as the glorious rivers of Sava and Danube, Savamala is almost always crowded with car and tram traffic. Nevertheless, every time I am there, I cannot help but wonder about the origin of all those historical buildings, dating back to the 19th and 20th century, and even before, way back to the Ottoman empire. Savamala proudly carries a rich heritage of precious history. The overall feeling when you are there, especially during the warmer months, is simply magnificent. Talk a stroll through the narrow streets, admire the architecture and simply observe.

Despite the fact that in the past the Savamala area has been a bit neglected, all that has been compensated in the past few years with incessant renovations and cultural boosts. In Savamala district, you can see the most famous murals and graffiti, the most amazing architectural trademarks of the former industrial zone, wonderful art galleries, cultural center, Belgrade Waterfront project and many, many more. Savamala is extremely inspiring and there is always things to explore there. As it is by far one of the most popular places to go out to, stay tuned for the special guide into Savamala night life as well as Savamala street art.

Finally, my warmest recommendation is to simply go and immerse into the charming area. Trust me, it will be love at first sight.

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