The guardian of Danube - Golubac Fortress

Milena Mihajlovic | Live the World

November 23, 2022

The Danube flows through the middle part of Serbia and cuts the country and the culture in half. It used to divide the Ottoman Empire from Habsburg Monarchy, North from the South, the plains from the mountains. It marks Serbia on so many levels, and many of them culminate in the east, in the Djerdap National Park, where the Danube reaches its widest, deepest and narrowest points. The entrance to the national park hides another trademark of the Danube in Serbia. Hint: It’s made out of stone and looks very much like the epic fantasy. If you thought of a castle, you were right. It is the mighty Golubac Fortress.

The Background of Golubac Fortress

The Golubac Fortress is a witness to time since the 14th century. Even though the architecture resembles the medieval building style of Serbia, there is not a definite proof of who was the original builder. For the most part, the fortress was a sort of “a border control” of the past and couple of time was a knot of conflicts between Serbia, Habsburg Monarchy and Ottoman Empire.

Strategically speaking, it holds the optimal position, as it is impregnable from the three sides, whilst the fourth, more approachable one, was protected by water trenches.

The Neighborhood of The Fortress

While the road from Belgrade to Kladovo (the closest town) may not be the best one, it definitely provides a very scenic ride for the visitors. The landscape switches between dark green from the woods, deep blue from the river and light grey from the rocks.

Next to the fortress is a visitor center offering information, souvenirs with affordable prices and guided tours. The left part of the center is now a cafe with the view towards the fortress and the river. During the summer months, it’s possible to sip your coffee on the balcony and enjoy the light breeze from the Danube.

The Best Sunset

Many fortresses have that unpleasant feeling of the old, a trace of fear in the air, symbolizing their past military purposes. The Golubac Fortress gives an impression of ultimately romantic place from the very first sight. The river, the peace and quiet and the amazing sunset, make for an unforgettable afternoon stroll for couples.

Photo by L[jiljana Doroslovac](

Regarding the Golubac Fortress tour, the guides and locals may answer many of your questions about history, architecture, and military, but they will leave the crucial one unanswered.

Why is this fortress not one of the "Game of Thrones" filming locations?

Thanks to Golubac Fortress for providing the most recent photos.

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