Unconquered wall of Dubrovnik and its western forts

Marko Radojević | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Let's continue the walking tour that we started here: Unconquered wall of Dubrovnik and Minčeta Tower, and let's explore the wall of Dubrovnik and its western* *forts - tower Bokar and St. John Fortress. So far we were walking approximately 1 kilometer, and now one more is ahead. We are moving towards southwestern of the Dubrovnik old town.

Tower Bokar (Zvjezdan)

From the northwest now we are going to southwestern part of the wall. Here, Tower Bokar with its cylindrical shape welcomes you. Enter and feel the excitement. This was the most important of all protecting towers. Built in the 15th century on the detached rock, this tower was covered 100 years later.  For its shape and position, it was used as a cannon testing tower. Enjoy the view, feel the smell of the sea, feel the smooth breeze and get ready to get down to the maze. Again. Get lost, that's what I always recommend. You will be lost in the big open-air museum

Photo © credits: iascic

Find the way now towards the most famous of all streets - Stradun. Stradun, the busiest and most famous of all streets is also an axis that cuts the city in perfect half. After being amazed by Stradun, and if you have little bit more energy, let's go to the last big tower in the old town - St. John Fortress.

St. John Fortress

Located at the southeastern point, St. John Fortress (Croatian: Tvrđava Sv. Ivan) will ring a bell to all Game of Thrones fans. Yes, it is one of the towers in the "King's Landing". :) While the fortress Bokar was protecting the north part of the town with its cannon, St. John Fortress was the watching point on the old port of Ragusa. For its historical and maritime importance, this fortress today is home to Maritime Museum and Aquarium. Here, you can learn more about the living species from the Adriatic Sea but also about the naval force the such Republic of Ragusa was. Looking over the old port, you will see the Pile's Gate, our starting point.

Photo © credits: Hedwig Storch

Dubrovnik is a special place. Dubrovnik and unconquered walls and Mirčeta Tower, together with its western forts - Tower Bokar and St. John Fortress can tell more than we can imagine. Visiting this city, touching its walls, stairs and tower, you'll learn more about this amazing town, but you'll learn more about yourself as well because the places like this make us think more. PS. This walking tour is approximately 2.5 km long, but it takes a whole day of walking. Now when you know a bit more about Dubrovnik and its walls and forts don't think twice but buy your ticket and see you on the top of the tower.

Photo © credits: Siegfried Schnepf

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