Marko Radojević | Live the World
November 23, 2022
It’s not the biggest city in Croatia. It’s not the most populated city. It’s not the richest city. But it’s the longest inhabited city in Croatia and maybe in Europe. Also, it’s an emperors' birthplace - two Roman emperors were born here. This story about Vinkovci we will divide in two parts – 1st one will be about Roman period and the 2nd one about things to visit.
So, when visiting eastern Croatia and eating all those delicious dishes and drinking wine you have to take a brake and visit Vinkovci. Maybe you will follow our advices and visit all those Croatian castles in Slavonia and then on the way you can stop and see Vinkovci. The city is located in Eastern Croatia, in Slavonia region. It’s situated on the river Bosut and it’s very close to Vukovar and Osijek. Long, long time ago, in the time of Roman Empire, Vinkovci was Roman colony called – Colonia Aurelia Cibalae. It was important and well positioned city. In the city centre in the City Museum Vinkovci (Gradski muzej Vinkovci) for less than 1 euro you can see permanent exhibition in the archaeological department; there you can see amazing collection of the artifacts from Roman period. On the museum facade you will see sign saying Vinkovci – the oldest city in Europe. Let’s not count the days and years but what for sure we can say is that two Roman Emperors were born here - Valentinian I and Valens. City keeps its Roman heritage – football club is named Cibalia and in the city are preserved Roman terme or Roman spa – hot bathrooms.
In 2012 big discovery happened – Roman silver plate, almost 50 artifacts dating back to 4th century AD. Name given to this important and precious discovery is Vinkovci treasure (Vinkovačko blago or Cibalae Treasure).
The city itself is nice and easily approachable from Osijek, Vukovar and Zagreb. Using car, bus or train you can come to this small town. Its surroundings is amazing and green – Danube is close, but also if you are a passionate hunter or fisherman you are in the right place because Vinkovci region offers good conditions for hunting and fishing. Of course, inevitable is typical Slavonian cuisine and Slavonian kulen (smoked paprika-flavoured sausage). City has its traditional concert On the window - when high school students sing Christmas songs from the windows of the grammar school. Vinkovci are the host city for the biggest folklore manifestation in Croatia -* Autumn in Vinkovci *(Vinkovačke jeseni) when folklore societies from all around Croatia present their costumes and folk dances. It's a 52 year old tradition. You will love it and you will visit it again.
PS. City was made very successful Happy video with amazing effects and so became one of the favorites picked by the singer Pharrell Williams.
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