Visiting Balkans on a budget

Lejla Dizdarevic | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Interested in exploring new parts of Europe, trying out the delicious cuisine and enjoying the sun and amazing hospitality? If you answer is “Yes, I wish, but I am broke!” then you are on the right page. If you want to find out more, keep reading.

Whoever told you that you need a lot of money to travel and discover new places, has not heard of the Balkan peninsula. Let’s face it – all you need is a backpack, positive attitude and great company. Even if you decide to travel alone, this is the perfect spot for you. On your way you will meet a lot of young friendly people, who will almost immediately, take you to some of the IT spots with them.

The Balkan Peninsula is bordered by the Adriatic Sea on the northwest, the Ionian Sea on the southwest, the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea on the south and southeast, and the Black Sea on the east and northeast. The region takes its name from the Balkan Mountains that stretch from the Serbian-Bulgarian border to the Black Sea.

Now, allow me to break the myth of costly travels and introduce you the au naturel, hidden beauties of the Southeastern Europe by listing the top three Balkan countries you can visit on a low budget.

Romania - The biggest and the most populated country of the Southeastern Europe, with the natural gem of the Danube river, offers you the incredible number of preserved monasteries and hystorical monuments, as well as an array of preserved mountains, lakes and landmarks. Visit the capital city Bucharest, the mysterious parts of Transylvania with its Dracula mythology. You simply must enjoy the natural playgrounds of the Romanian mountains on a hiking or biking tour. Extremly low cost flights to Timisoara and Bucharest make Romania easily accessible. A few euros on your card and you are good to go!

Serbia - Not because it is my home country, so you may assume I am emotionally biased, but to be fair, Serbia promises quite an adventorous time. Beautiful mountains and lakes, incredible monasteries telling tales of Serbia’s fascinating past, amazing food and cheerful people are just some of the few things on the top of the list. Rumor has it that Serbia offers the best night life in the region. I will not spill secrets, go and see it for yourself. Not convinced yet? It takes only a few hours by car or affordable bus from Romania. You can also take the direct flight to its capital, Belgrade.

Montenegro - Once you have reached Serbia, it would simply be a sin not to go to Montenegro. This rather small, hidden gem on the very south of the Balkan peninsula, will most definitely surprise you with its incredible mountains (as the name suggests) as well as the most beautiful Adriatic seaside coast in the region. You can discover the whole country in just a few days, by taking the bus or train from Serbia. Keep in mind that a cheap way for traveling around the Balkans is the Balkan Flexipass, valid in most of the Balkan countries. Montenegro is convenient for outdoors adventure, from hiking to skiing, river rafting to climbing. Also, do me a favor, and check out the infamous Tara River Canyon.

Finally, make sure to bring an open mind and a camera to this trip. If I inspired at least one of you to have a Balkan roadtrip, then my task is accomplished. Stay tuned for more of the travelling inspirations and tips. I promise you will not regret it. :)

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