Welcome to the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - A short guide to the student life

Chrisa Lepida | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Intro; Having already suggested a few places and things to do while traveling in my previous pages, (you can check them online, let me know what you think!) I decided to change my style a bit and create new pages aiming to help, to orientate and to inspire the students all over Europe. How many times did you feel lost around your University area? How many times you found yourself googling where to eat and what to do after your classes? Personally, I found myself in this situation quite a few times; well, mainly when I was studying abroad. You get my point right? You’d love to have an app helping you move around easily, or at least to have a few suggestions or let’s say inspirations…

And now let me explain a bit further; let’s suppose that you are an Erasmus student or in general a student planning to study abroad for a semester or so. What are the factors that you would take into consideration before choosing your next destination and university? How would you organize your background research? What are the things that you’d love to know about your university in advance? (check my medium article). I guess I more or less feel your despair and that’s why I decided to create those next pages; so to sum it up for you, in the pages that will follow, I’ll try to gather important info about some of the most high-ranking universities in Europe, as well as about the activities that you can do around them! Interesting & helpful right?

And here comes the first;

The university; The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the largest university in Greece. The main campus is located in the centre of the city of Thessaloniki, and covers an area of about 33.4 hectares. It comprises 10 faculties which consist of 40 schools and 1 single-School Faculty.Some educational and administrative facilities are located off campus for practical and operational reasons. A number of these facilities are located outside the city of Thessaloniki or even in other cities. About 73.930 students study at the Aristotle University (65.026 in undergraduate programmes and 8.472 in postgraduate programmes, of which 3952 at Doctoral level). There are 2.024 faculty members. Oh, wow. Big enough.

The life in the city; Thessaloniki offers unique student life experiences. With such a multicultural mix and various backgrounds of people that you meet in this place, there is no way that any student will not truly benefit from a rich social life combined with his/her academic development. The warm climate and the seaside will create unforgettable memories for your student life. Also known for its young population, Thessaloniki offers a wide variety of leisure and nightlife activities for all tastes. Worried about food? You can stop right here… at every corner, on every street you will find places to eat and the local delicacies will change your perspective on anything that you knew about food! Even more, as the summer approaches towards the end of each academic year, you will be lucky enough to be so close to the famous beaches of Chalkidiki! Finally, the long night walks by the seaside or in the upper (old) city with the view of entire Thessaloniki will be your ultimate benchmark for a place where you would like to go for your studies!

Important info;

Average rent- 270euros. Monthly transportation subscription; 30euros. Monthly food cost; 115euros. Average lunch price at a restaurant; 10euros. Average Fitness subscription; 25euros. Beer Price at a bar; 3-4 euros. Pack your bags and choose Thessaloniki as your Erasmus destination! Enjoy!

Some "must-know" locations:

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. Their mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.

Pack your bags and choose Thessaloniki as your Erasmus or studying abroad destination!

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