Lusine Vardanyan | Live the World
November 23, 2022
If you are traveling to Armenia in May and your travel days match with “Yerevan wine days” then you definitely have to find some time to attend it. This two-day festival, open-air party, wine lovers gathering or call it the way you like brings together thousands of people from different countries to taste Armenian wine.
Organizers picked Saryan Street as a perfect place for this event. The thing is that throughout the year this dimly lit street is full of wine lovers who come to spend nice evenings in the wine houses that are on each step. The atmosphere here is always good but during the wine days… ooh, you gonna love it!
At the event are represented almost all the wine producers of Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh), so you will get a chance to try wines made of different types of grapes from different regions (from North to South, from East to West) in one place. You will feel the taste of the Armenian Sun in each glass.
The event is public (open to everyone) and you do not have to register in advance. It is very well organized. What you need to do it to buy a ticket that is super cheap (8-10 euro). You will be provided with a wine glass that, of course, you can take home after the event as well as with many coupons with the logos of each brand. Just stop by the pavilion of the wine you prefer, give the coupon to them and get your wine. You will have so many coupons and so many choices that I am sure you won’t manage to try all of them. Here you will also get a chance to try food that is provided by the represented restaurants; however, the food is not included in the ticket price.
Photo by Yerevan Yerevantsiner
What do tipsy and drank people do after the wine days? – Yes, they party hard! As Yerevan does not sleep these days make sure you also stay awake. Stop by local pubs (you can find many of them in central parts of Yerevan, particularly Parpetsi and Pushkin streets) and have fun till morning.
Credits Panatsea Cafe & Restaurant
Many international wine producers come to Armenia and start their business here. They think that Armenia is a perfect place to grow good quality grapes and that the combination of international winemaking technologies and local grapes makes the wine more demanded in the international market. On the other hand here you can find not only wines made of grapes but also pomegranate, quince, banana, cherry wines and many more.
Photo by Yerevan Yerevantsiner
This year “Yerevan wine days” will be held from 11 to 12 May, but it can vary from year to year. So make sure you check their FB page while booking your flight.
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