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Hitaishi Majumder

Hey there! I am Hitaishi, a writer from Kolkata, India, and I would love to introduce you to the different aspects that come together to lay the basis of the unity in diversity in India. I have travelled across the length and breadth of India to comprehend different cultures, their history, their arts, and most importantly, their people. It obviously helps that India is a gorgeous country with sundry terrains. Also, the glutton in me can't help but explore the mouth-watering cuisines served in different corners of the country. Here, I will present stories from the eastern part of India and also those from Mumbai, Goa and Kerala. Having been born and bred in Kolkata, I have a special place in my heart for the city and will let you in on many lesser-known things about the city. Hope you like my stories and find enough inspiration to embark on a journey to India!

My stories (47)


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