The mountain with a hole in it - Torghatten, Brønnøy

Kai Bonsaksen | Live the World

November 23, 2022

After cliffs, glaciers and fjords, you can visit a mountain with a hole inside of it in Brønnøy Norway. Torghatten is a special mountain, 258 meters high, and known for the hole in the middle of it. The hole was created in the last Ice Age and is 35 meters tall, 20 meters wide and 160 meters long. The spectacular part is that we see the hole and not the mountain. The part that is not there is the focus point.

Torghatten walking trail

© istock/tupungato

The path to the hole is partly prepared for you to walk and you go from the east side and take 30 minutes. From the viewpoint, at the top of the scree, you get a magnificent view of Helgelandsfjorden and all the islands surrounding it. If a 30 minute walk is not enough, take the round trip with some actual challenges and steep paths. The path is very easy in the beginning and gets harder as you go. You can bike around the mountain and have a spectacular trip when going downwards!

The tale of jealousy and despair

When things that may appear unnatural occur, it's easy to create magical theories about the reasoning for their existence. The saga of ''the seven sisters'' is the tale of Hestmannen (The horseman) who was disappointed because of love and shot an arrow after the Lekamøya that escaped him. The king from the Sømna mountain saw this and threw his hat which is the mountain itself, and the arrow went through the hat and then the sun showed and everybody turned to stone. Destructive jealousy supposedly created this beautiful landmark

Picture © credits to Wikipedia/Orcaborealis

Torghatten camping

A** camping place** next to the foot of Torghatten with great views of the mountain and the coast of Helgeland. Get an apartment, a cabin, bring your caravan or use a tent on the ground on the popular high-standard camping area with a restaurant that serves traditional Norwegian foods after you've visited the beach.


A coastal town which is easily accessible from all of Norway. Enjoy the harbour with the boats and the life of the middle of Norway with a bunch of seafood and great people. Known for churches, sculptures, and for being the central point of Norway with direct flights and boats to Oslo. It has all of these small islands surrounding it and is known for being the place to go for island jumping with your bike. During the summer, a trend of doing midnight biking is growing and known as an experience of a lifetime. Biking along with boat tours and fishing are the favourite activities of the locals in Brønnøysund.

Picture © credits to Pixabay/photoart-4you

Cover picture © credits to VisitNorway


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