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Get the most authentic sightseeing experience. Check out these guided tours and skip-the-line tickets around Prague.
Take Prague’s most iconic mode of transportation up to the Petřín Lookout. Enjoy beautiful views of the Prague Castle on the ride up.
No one expects a cable car in the heart of an urban city. Why would a city have a cable car unless it’s right in the heart of the mountains? Well, Prague isn’t exactly in the mountains but since the Old Town is in a valley there are hills all around the city. Petřín Cable Car takes you up one of those hills to the famous Petřín Lookout.
Even though there are walking trails through the Petřín park, it’s well worth taking in the experience of riding the cable car up to the top of Petřín Hill. You’ll be blown away by the view of the city and the castle as you ascend up the hill. With rows and rows of trees in the park and the city skyline behind, you’re in for an amazing experience. It’s a short and sweet ride that isn’t mentioned enough when talking about Prague.
Getting There
Open everyday, 9:00 to 23:20
All seasons
24 CZK (regular public transport ticket)
Open; national COVID guidelines apply.
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t’s unique and cool at the same time. It’s just a simple little cable car but we always have fun riding it up to Petrin.
— Dom & Jo, adventurous travel bloggers and Prague experts