Mara Noveni | Live the World
November 23, 2022
A complex personality like Michelangelo would manage to survive vividly in our minds till nowadays. Not only for his magnificent works of art in **Rome**, but also for a circle of legends that surround him. Let's get to learn together about some of the many of Michelangelo’s legends related to **Rome**, the Eternal city.
Michelangelo** **came into contact with the Roman high society thanks to his involvement in a scam. One of his first sculptures, (now lost), was sold by an intermediary as an original, at an exorbitant price. But when the client, Cardinal Raffaele Riario, unmasked the deception, he first wanted his money back, and then he wanted to meet **Michelangelo **in person. Once they met, a collaboration that lasted over time was born between the two.
It is known that the head of the **Moses **in San Pietro in Vincoli Church is too small in proportion to the body. The legend says that Michelangelo, while sculpting the marble, pressed the chisel too much and so he was forced to make the head smaller and out of proportion to the body. But, the statue was so beautiful and looked so alive that the artist decided to complete it. It was so realistic that he often found himself talking to the statue. One day, receiving no reply, he became angry and shouted at it "Why don't you talk?", throwing a hammer at the statue's marble knee. Even today, we see on Moses's right knee a sign that could be a consequence of that hammer blow.
Furthermore, there are two other curious facts related to this statue: in the beard, we can see a portrait of **Pope Julius II **and a portrait of a woman. Both can be seen in Mose's right side.
A legend tells that Raffaello during the period he frescoed Villa Farnesina was so jealous of his work that he had forbidden anyone to enter the hall. At that time **Michelangelo **also lived in Rome, and the two artists were very jealous of each other. Michelangelo absolutely wanted to see the work of his rival.
So, to evade the vigilance, he dressed like a merchant and headed for the Villa with all his merchandise. There he sat on the ground waiting for buyers. When no one paid attention, **Michelangelo **entered the building, while **Raffaello **was not there. **Michelangelo **was thus able to observe the work of his rival without hurry, took a piece of coal and drew a beautiful woman's head on the wall.
When **Raffaello **returned, immediately saw the head, which looked so alive and perfect. He recognized the author of that marvel. But, because of its beauty, he decided that the design had to remain- it is still visible in Villa Farnesina. It is a charcoal drawing in a lunette in Galatea's room.
In the courtyard of the "Museo delle Terme di Diocleziano" there are ancient cypresses, some of which were planted by Michelangelo. At the time of the artist, there was a cloister where he loved to rest, during the construction of the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli. Two of these cypresses were torn down by a storm in 1888, others resisted and can still be admired today in all their beauty.
Michelangelo's best-known work, "La Pietà," is located in the Basilica of San Pietro in the Vatican. It is the only sculpture that contains the author's signature. It is on the ribbon that diagonally crosses the bust of the Virgin Mary.
What is now a small garden, located between the Church of San Silvestro al Quirinale and the ancient sacristy, was once a very large space. It was used as a meeting place for the "cultural personalities" of the time. Frequent guests of this garden were **Michelangelo **and the beautiful poet Vittoria Colonna, who put a considerable influence on him, especially in the last years of his life.
A marble relief illustrates a **Pietà **with the inscription "You all, who pass by the way, see if there is pain equal to mine." The draft is attributed to Michelangelo. It is said that Michelangelo gave this work to the owner of the place as a present, for the many pleasant hours he spent there.
After this journey, you will discover an almost unknown and alternative Rome. You will love Rome and Michelangelo's legends even more. Legends narrate the past of places and they are, of course, a mix of history and mystery. Enjoy Rome, the Eternal City !!!
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