Norwegian Christmas mountain Innerdalstårnet

Kai Bonsaksen | Live the World

November 23, 2022

This is a mountaintop in **Norway **that is used in a beloved Norwegian TV-show called ''Jul i Blåfjell'' or ''Christmas in Bluemountain''. The show is located in Røros, Norway, while ''Innerdalstårnet'' or ''The Inner valley tower'' is located 3.4 hours west from that town. **Norway **is known for either having really mundane and boring location names like ''The Inner valley'' or amusing and intriguing names like the area where the tower is located which is in ''Trollheimen'' (The trolls home). More about trolls can be found at Askeladden and The troll park of Senja.

For the hiker, I have stories about Preikestolen, Trolltunga, Jotunheimen, Hardangervidda, and Folgefonna as well.

Reach the top!

Climb to the top if you want. The mountain is 1.452m and multiple paths to the top are available. The skill level of the climb would be difficult. You'll be exhausted but can get up even if you're not an experienced climber.

The Christmas TV-show

The Christmas show is about the **blue Santas **who lives inside of the mountain and has a **king **and a queen and a society within the mountain. The mountain opens itself once a day and the blue Santas get out and play in this hour. Down in the town, there are red Santas who live in attics. The show plays on prejudices and explains why we shouldn't dislike someone because they are different. Therefore (spoiler), a red Santa and a blue Santa become friends at one point.

Multiple hypotheses about why the Christmas show fancied this mountain has been made. One hypothesis was that the mountaintop looks like the blue Santa's hat. Another is that this is called ''the most beautiful valley'' in Norway. Have a look at it and decide if you believe this is plausible.

The route up!

**Start **- Parking lot in Nerdal. Then you walk about 3.8 km on a road up Innerdalen. Right next to Innerdalsvatna, which is a lake, you'll find a little village house with *breakfast *with the most traditional **Norwegian **ingredients that you'll find. A very exclusive place of old cottages from past times of Norway. There will be cows around you and other farm animals. They also have a cat! Now comes the Innerdalshytta. Instead of a road, you'll be walking a path. Cross the bridge and keep walking until **Storvatnet **(The big water). This is the end of the relaxing joyful nature admiring part of the trip. Now comes the final boss of the track. A reason why people turn here is that they are afraid of *loose rocks *and falling down and getting hurt. If you're tough and brave, you'll keep climbing. If you are afraid and still climb, you will probably feel like some sort of **king **or noble person when reaching the top. Just be aware that you'll have to *scramble *a bit and constantly decide what the next best step is.

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