Pay as you wish – Vienna on a budget

Ogi Savic | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Vienna is relatively expensive city, accordingly to eat outside is not a cheap undertaking. However, the city offers so many nice and good quality restaurants with really good prices. Lot of them offer daily menus for less than 10€. If you compare prices of a würstl (sausage) or döner kebab which cost up to 4€, paying for proper meal 10€ is a bargain. In some of my next articles I will write about Vienna Street food, today I will concentrate on topic how to eat in Vienna on a budget, recommending three restaurants worth visiting.

If you are in a mood for good, authentic, and cheap Turkish food restaurant “Kent” would probably be the best solution. They offer one of the best all-you-can-eat brunches in town for 10€. There are 3 restaurants in a chain, however the one in 15th district in Märzstraße 39 hast the beautiful winter garden. It easily accessible, because it lies directly on U3 metro line. Sunday is the best day to check it out. Dishes are always freshly made, and selection is abundant.


Directly in 3rd district, close to metro lines U3 and U4 you can find beautiful restaurant "Lucullus." It has the most beautiful garden and it is located in the pedestrian part of small street, Rechte Bahngasse. The most specific thing about restaurants are cheap up to 8€ and very good daily menu offers. But be cautious they don’t accept credit cards, so you have to have cash on you.

And at the end the innovative concept “pay as you wish, eat as much as you can” in “Der Wiener Deewan” restaurant. The visitors pay their meal according to what they think the food, quality and experience of their meal is worth and they can eat as much as they want. So, you can guess that the restaurant is known and adored by the students. Deewan offers Pakistani dishes that are simple, but delicious. They offer five different curries: two meat-based, chicken and lamb or beef; three vegetarian/vegan, dhal, vegetables and potato curry. They also serve Basmati rice, bread, salad, sauces and sweets. The restaurant is not far of Votiv church in Vienna 9th district and it is definitely worth visiting.


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