Kai Bonsaksen | Live the World
November 23, 2022
**Norwegians are irrational in one way. We are fearful of wandering alone in the mysterious woods with a phobia of meeting trolls. At the same time, we have no difficulty with driving our **automobiles **and maybe even texting with no worries about accidents. Therefore, In Senja, Norway, we built the park of trolls!
What more to see in this magical area is Lofoten, Lofoten hiking, Å, People of Narvik, Lødingen, Town hero of Narvik, and the Northern lights!
Local from Senja:
To master this fear, we are *exposing *ourselves to **trolls **quite a lot up here in the Northland. We do this in the same way like somebody with the horror of **spiders **reads a book about **spiders **to expose themselves and to understand.
Fun facts
1. Among trolls, we make movies, arts, stories, and on Senja, we made this Troll park!
2. The **Troll **and its **wife **is in Guinness world record book in **1997 **as the biggest **troll **on earth!
3. In 1993, the people of **Senja *realized their vision of having a dedicated park to the number 1 mythical creature *of Norway.
You can actually go into the *stomach *of the **Troll **and have an adventure! They created architectural history by making a house inside of the worlds biggest troll in the North of Norway. The mastermind behind this invention is Leif Rubach who is pretty much the soul behind the troll park.
Be ready for a museum, food, refreshments, troll goods, and Norwegian goods!
The troll received his **wife **in 2007. These two will stay together until the state takes them apart. For example, if they want to build a mall here or something. John-Daniel Solhaug is the reverend who made them the **troll husband **and the troll wife.
In Senja, we have a local *fable *about a **troll **who is located in the sea and comes to the Island every now and then. That story is used to *frighten *kids and make them come home before dark (It also works on adults).
It's named Hunderfossen. You can read further about **trolls **and **Hunderfossen **in the **Askeladden **article! These two places had a little battle of who has the best troll. **Hunderfossen **now accepts the **Senja troll **as a troll and as the biggest troll!
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