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Mayo Harry

Hi, I am Mayo from Japan. I have started travelling around the world in my late teens, and since then, my life has been a continuation of trips. Whether it be my homeland or any other destination, I always travel with 100% of my soul and go with the flow. Travelling is my first priority in life to keep my soul in balance. I have explored almost 30 countries in the world. There are so many countries that I haven’t reached yet, and I am always interested in experiencing new cultures. Now I live in the beautiful tropical rainforest of Australia, with my family. I am an ex-high school teacher, a freelance translator and therapist when I am not travelling. My life is harmonious in general. However, I miss my home country, which calls me back to deepen my understanding of Japan. Since I moved my base to Australia, I travel more and more around Japan every year. Hence, I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences of my amazing home country with you.

My stories (51)


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