Vienna - 'Before Sunrise' movie tour!

Kai Bonsaksen | Live the World

November 23, 2022

Who this is for?

If you want to do something fun in Vienna but you're bad at coming up with things to do, then this route of film locations for the movie ''Before Sunrise (1995)'' is for you. For a food version of Vienna, look at ''Pay as you wish Vienna''. If you're smart, check out ''Vienna guide for smart people''.

What type of film this is?

This is a* cult movie *that probably deserves more attention but it wasn't commercialized in that way. Because it wasn't commercialized is probably also why it got its cult followership. If it were commercialized it would get an extended follower base but wouldn't create the cult movement it did.

What happens in the movie?

So two random people meet on a train and the guy approaches and get accepted. This results in them spending the day in Vienna together. They begin really liking each other during the movie and it is an interesting story that a lot of people imagine in their head that doesn't materialize in real life. In the film world, this kind of story happens. The thing is only an independent filmmaker would add the psychological talking points that this movie offers. You can sense that this movie is made by only a few people. Not a crew of 10 script directors and *180 analyzers. *If you want personal movies, then search for independent movies (With that, I don't mean Twilight).

I made a list of the locations in **Vienna **where you can see these strangers observe the city and also act very personal when they met just a few hours before.

**Zlata Golaboska **was of huge help with finding info and directing this article. She is a dreamer. ''Skopje for the big hearted'' is why.


The route:

1. The train station Vienna

The first and the last location is the **train station. **The first time was way less dramatic than the second.

Westbahnhof, Vienna

2. Zollamsteg bridge - Meeting actors at the bridge

Here they get invited by two guys go see them act like farm animals.

Zollamtssteg Bridge, Vienna

3. Alt und Neu - Listening to music

Here is the record store where they listen to a song that is very personal to the girl. She waits for him to kiss her but he didn't dare.

Windmühlgasse 10, Vienna

4. Cemetery of the nameless - They talk about the people in the graveyard

This is the tiny cemetery where the girl talks about how she thinks of death and stuff. For more about this,** Ogi Savic **made ''Place Where Nameless Are Buried''.

Friedhof der Namenlosen, Alberner Strasse 54, Vienna

5. Riesenrad tivoli - Their first kiss is here

This is a very fun **Tivoli **with a lot of different weird objects for amusement. They go up a Paris wheel. The guy says how romantic it was up there so they should kiss. The girl agrees. They kiss.

Here's a full lenght article about this place called ''The oldest amusement park in the world''

Riesenrad, Prater, Vienna

6. Kleines cafe - Fortune teller lady approaches

There comes a* fortune teller lady* to predict the life and future of them. The guy is the skeptic and the girl is more open. The guy hints towards ''the Forer effect'' in his criticism.

Kleines Café, Franziskanerplatz 3, Vienna

7. Maria am Gestade - They visit and talk

This is a random church in Vienna. Few people pays attention to this scene and it's like they just had a token church scene in the movie.

Maria Am Gestade, Passauer Platz, Vienna

8. They meet a street poet

They meet a poet here which makes an improvised poem just by getting one word to include in the poem. They chose the word ''milkshake''. The guy plays the skeptic again and says the poet probably just plugged the word into the poem and meant that the poet had a pre-made poem from before in his head. He retracts his comment and says ''It was great''.

Obere Donaustraße 29, 1020 Vienna

9. Arena Wien - Drinking beer and play pinball

This is an interesting place. They have concerts here and also pinball games here. They take turns on the pinball machine and have a little bit *uncomfortable conversation *about the past. It becomes more interesting with the added stress of playing the pinball game at the same time.

Arena Wien, Baumgasse 80, Vienna

10. Cafe Sperl - Pretending to be on the phone

You see other people in the restaurant are acting normally and are covered with standard behavior over them. Then on the couple's table, they are pretending to talk to each other on the phone with a friend from home. They talk about their meeting with a random person on a train.

Café Sperl, Gumpendorfer Strasse 11, Vienna

11. Where they lay in the grass at night

Here they drink wine they took from a restaurant. I think they do adult stuff in this park too. It indicates it but that's up for interpretation. This is a parking lot now by the way. Decide if a parking lot is worth this list.

Parking Palais Schwarzenberg, Vienna

12. Albertina palais museum - The guy acts like a poet

This is the last thing they *''do together'' *let's say. The guy recites poetry and the girl is laying while listening.

Albertina Palais Museum, Augustinerstrasse 1, Vienna

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